Quality, Occupational Health & Safety and Environmental Policy

  • To keep pace with today’s emerging technology and work with appropriate corporate approach of a printing press.
  • Ensure unlimited customer satisfaction starting from the communication with the customer, print preparation, printing and post-printing services that utilizes maximum and continous effort of the staff and managers when rendering these services.
  • Taking all the necessary steps related to print preparation and printing process by utilizing the most advanced technology provided on-site.
  • Improve print centers and employees’ performance by using the existing resources in the most effective and economic way.
  • Taking all the necessary actions in order to protect natural resources, minimize waste and prevent environmental pollution.
  • Taking necessary precautions to minimize the waste at source, reuse and recycle wherever possible, dispose all the rest with appropriate waste disposal methods.
  • Following the technological advancements and utilizing quality, healthy, secure, environment friendly technology in all of our processes.
  • Believe in prevention of work and environment related accidents and put maximum effort utilizing the active involvement of employees in order to achieve the goal of ‘Zero Work Accident and Occupational Disease’ by eliminating risks at source.
  • Abiding to all the legal obligations which include ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 45001, FSC® CoC ve TSE-HYB Standards, applicable Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety legislation.
  • Ensure all the necessary protection in order to prevent any condition that can cause harm to the health of our staff and people that can be affected by our activities. Take all the necessary steps to control/prevent accidents and risks that can affect our/others’ assets and/or property.
  • Improve the awareness of our staff in regards to environment and Safety at Work and Health through ongoing training sessions.
  • Constantly improve our Quality, Occupational Health & Safety and Environmental management systems.